A Walk In The Park

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I’ve found if I’m ever a bit stressed or feeling overwhelmed with work, a simple walk outside in nature really helps to clear my mind and make me happy. I’m the sort of person whose mood is very much affected by my environment and what’s around me at any given moment. Whether it’s in a crowded grocery store, shopping mall, or sidewalk with people in a hurry and brushing past, or the daily LA traffic with drivers honking their horns, constantly cutting you off - I very easily become stressed and anxious in these sort of conditions. I wish I wasn’t so affected by external forces! But a bit of nature always does the trick to elevate my mood, calm me down, and simply reset. Away from cars, crowds, loud noises - just grass, trees, plants, and wildlife to keep you company.

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Eddie and I took a walk through Kenneth Hahn as the sun began to set, and it was so lovely. We brought the camera and had fun playing around with the beautiful lighting - everything always looks magical during golden hour.

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This Hummingbird Garden is so darling - filled with bird feeders and water fountains for all types of lil birdies to enjoy.

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Sights included this big beautiful hawk as he dove down and soared next to us (Eddie snapped these super quick, can’t believe how sharp they came out as the hawk was going fast!), as well as a cute lil bunny hopping through the prickly pears.

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The view of Downtown LA from Kenneth Hahn is stunning. Especially during sunset! To see it just drive all the way to the top of the hill - there’s parking up there as well as picnic benches if you wanna enjoy some snackies while taking in the view.

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This lone rose surrounded by brown empty branches killed me! At first glance from a distance I thought it was garbage caught in the bush. But when we walked closer we noticed it was just a single rose, bloomin’ bright and beautiful. Isn’t that amaze?

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